followed by another te
.English | Translation |
a long time | wahu·níse̲ʔ |
a short time | kʌʔ nikalí·wes |
all the time | yaʔteka·kú·te̲ |
how long of a time? | Tó· niwahu·niʔsé̲ Tó· náhe |
English | Translation |
day | awʌhnísla̲ʔ |
all day | kwʌʔtáti̲ʔ |
during the day | tsiʔniwʌhnísles |
this day | Tó· niwʌhnisla·ké͟ |
daytime | kwaʔté·ke̲ |
every day | yaʔtewʌhnislaké͟ |
English | Translation |
(earlier) this morning | sʌhaʔ astéhtsi̲ʔ |
early morning in the morning | astéhtsi̲ |
the other morning | oyá· tshitwastéhtsi̲ʔ |
morning morning time | astehtsiwé·ke̲ |
English | Translation |
afternoon | yotukóhtu ʌt́i |
noon | ʌ́ti ʌ́tyʌ ni·kále̲ʔ |
English | Translation |
evening early evening late afternoon | yoʔkaláshʌ̲ yoʔkaláshu̲ |
when it was evening | tshiyoʔkaláshu̲ |
this evening tonight later this evening | ʌyó·kalahwe̲ʔ |
English | Translation |
night | né· wahsuta·té̲· |
night-time | kwaʔshuté·ke̲ |
all night | kwaʔshutátiʔ |
during the night | tsiʔ niwahsu·tés |
every night | yaʔtewahsu·táke̲ |
midnight | ashú·tha̲ |
(when it got dark) last night | kwaʔshu·té̲· |
this night tonight | kaʔi·kʌ́· wahsuta·té̲· |
the other night | oyá· tshitkwaʔshu·té̲· |
how many nights? | Tó· niwahsu·táke̲ʔ |
when it gets dark | tshityó·kalas |
English | Translation |
tomorrow | ʌyólhʌne̲ʔ |
tomorrow night | ʌyólhʌneʔ ʌyó·kalawe̲ʔ |
tomorrow evening | ʌyólhʌneʔ yoʔkala·sne̲ʔ |
the day after tomorrow | oyá· yʌtsyólhʌne̲ʔ |
English | Translation |
yesterday | the·tʌ̲̲́· |
the day before yesterday | oyá tshithe·tʌ̲̲́ |
English | Translation |
all week | yaʔtewʌ·tá·ke̲ |
during the week | tsiʔ niwʌ·tés |
every week | yaʔtewʌ·táke |
last week | swʌtatkʌ́ |
next week | yʌswʌ·tát |
how many weeks? | Tó· niwʌ·táke̲ |
English | Translation |
weekend | yawʌtokta·u |
this (coming) weekend | ʌwʌtokta |
this past weekend | yautokta·u |
English | Translation |
month | awʌhní·taʔ |
during the month | tsiʔ niwʌhní·tes |
last month | swʌhniʔtatkʌ́ |
next month | yʌswʌ́hniʔtat |
how many months? | Tó· niwʌhní·take̲ʔ |
English | Translation |
all year | ohslakwekú̲ |
during the year through the year | tsiʔ niyóhsles |
every year | nyaʔteyohsla·ké͟ |
last year | tsyohslatkʌ́ |
next year | yʌtsyohslá·te̲ʔ |
the other year | oyá· tshikohslá·ke̲ |
a particular year | kaʔi·kʌ́· yohsla·té̲· |
how many years? | Tó· niyohslaké̲ |
one year after another | yohslaténi |
English | Translation |
always | tyóhtkut |
eclipse | utʌhniʔtáhtuʔ |
more often | sʌ́haʔ yotká·teʔ |
never | yáh newʌtú |
now today | nuʔú·wa̲ʔ nʌʔú·wa̲ʔ |
often | yotká·teʔ |
sometimes | swatye·lʌ̲̲́ |
English | Translation |
Sunday | Yautatokʌ́htu |
Monday | Yautʌtá·u |
Tuesday | Tekníhatut |
Wednesday | Ahsʌ́hatut |
Thursday | Kayelíhatut |
Friday | Wískhatut |
Saturday | Ʌtáktaʔ |
English | Translation |
on Sunday | Yautatokʌhtu·ne̲ʔ |
on Monday | Yautʌtaʔú·ne̲ʔ |
on Tuesday | Teknihatútneʔ |
on Wednesday | Ahsʌhatútneʔ |
on Thursday | Kayelihatútneʔ |
on Friday | Wiskhatútneʔ |
on Saturday | Ʌtaktáhne̲ʔ |
English | Translation |
last Sunday | tshawʌtatokʌ́htu |
last Monday | tshawʌtʌ·táne̲ʔ |
last Tuesday | tshaʔtekníhatuht |
last Wednesday | tshiwahsʌ́hatuht |
last Thursday | tshikayelíhatuht |
last Friday | tshiwískhatut |
last Saturday | tshiwʌtákta̲ʔ |
English | Translation |
next Sunday | yʌswʌtatokʌ́htu |
next Monday | oyá· yʌswʌtʌ·táne̲ʔ |
next Tuesday | oyá· nyaʔtekníhatuht |
next Wednesday | oyá· nyaʔteswahsʌ́hatuht |
next Thursday | oyá· nyaʔtekayelíhatuht |
next Friday | oyá· yʌswískhatut |
next Saturday | oyá· yʌswʌtákta̲ʔ |
English | Translation | Literal translation |
January | Teyakohúhtyaʔks | Their ears are freezing |
February | Tshaʔtekohsélha̲ʔ | Half of winter |
March | Tewʌhníslyaʔks | The day is cut in two |
April | Wahsakayu·té·se̲ʔ | It's thundering |
May | Latiyʌ́thos | They plant |
June | Awʌhihte̲ʔ | Strawberry |
July | Ohyótsheli̲ʔ | Green string bean |
August | Onʌ́stase̲ʔ | New corn |
September | Yeyʌthókwas | Someone harvests |
October | Yutékhwayʌhe̲ʔ | Someone stores food |
November | Tehutʌnuhela·túhe̲ʔ | They give thanks |
December | Wahsu·tés | It's a long night |
English | Translation |
last January | Tshaʔteyakohúhtyaʔkskʌ́ |
last February | Tshaʔtekohselhaʔkʌ́ |
English | Translation |
next January | Tʌyakohúhtyaʔks |
next February | Tshaʔtʌkohsélhaʔ |
English | Translation |
1:00 a.m. | úska niyohwistá·e astéhtsi̲ʔ |
7:00 a.m. | tsyá·tak niyohwistá·e astéhtsi̲ʔ |
11:00 a.m. | úska yawa·lé niyohwistá·e astéhtsi̲ʔ |
1:00 p.m. | úska niyohwistá·e yotukóhtu ʌ́ti |
4:00 p.m. | kayé niyohwistá·e yotukóhtu ʌ́ti |
5:00 p.m. | wísk yawa·lé niyohwistá·e yotukóhtu ʌ́ti |
English | Translation |
2:05 a.m. | wísk nikahí·kalake yotukóhtu tékni niyohwistá·e astéhtsi̲ʔ |
3:30 a.m. | tshaʔtewahsʌnʌ́ áhsʌ niyohwistá·e astéhtsi̲ʔ |
4:50 a.m. | oye·lí· nikahí·kalake tyono·lúhe wísk niyohwistá·e astéhtsi̲ʔ |
2:05 p.m. | wísk nikahí·kalake yotukóhtu tékni niyohwistá·e yotukóhtu ʌ́ti |
3:30 p.m. | tshaʔtewahsʌnʌ́ áhsʌ niyohwistá·e yotukóhtu ʌ́ti |
5:50 p.m. | oye·lí· nikahí·kalake tyono·lúhe wísk niyohwistá·e yotukóhtu ʌ́ti |
English | Translation |
8:00 p.m. | téklu niyohwistá·e ʌyó·kalahweʔ |
9:00 p.m. | wátlu niyohwistá·e yoʔkaláshʌ |
10:00 p.m. | oye·lí· niyohwistá·e kwaʔashuté·ke |
English | Translation |
2:05 p.m. | ostúha yotukóhtu tékni niyohwistá·e yotukóhtu ʌ́ti |
4:55 p.m. | nʌ́ kiʔ thóha wísk niyohwistá·e yotukóhtu ʌ́ti |
English | Translation |
1 minute | swasliyetaʔk |
2 minutes | tewasliyetaʔk |
3 minutes | áhsʌ niwasliyetaʔk |
1 hour | úska kahwistaʔeks |
2 hours | tekahwístaʔeks |
3 hours | áhsʌ nikahwístaʔeks |
1 day | swʌhníslat |
2 days | tewʌhnislaké̲ |
3 days | áhsʌ niwʌhnislaké̲ |
1 night | swahsu·tát |
2 nights | tewahsu·táke̲ |
3 nights | áhsʌ niwahsu·táke̲ |
1 week | swʌ·tát |
2 weeks | tewʌ·táke̲ |
3 weeks | áhsʌ niwʌ·táke̲ |
1 month | swʌhní·tat |
2 months | tewʌhní·take̲ |
3 months | áhsʌ niwʌhní·take̲ |
1 year | tsyóhslat |
2 years | teyóhslake̲ʔ |
3 years | áhsʌ niyóhslaké̲ |
English | Translation |
A telephone | teyethalákhwaʔ yutwʌnataʔástaʔ |
What's your phone number? | Náhteʔ niwashe·tás né· isé· sawʌ́ teyethalákhwa̲ʔ |
My phone number is 445-1234. | 445-1234 niwashe·tás tsiʔ teyethalákhwa̲ʔ |
What's the phone number where you work? | Tó· niwashe·tás né· teyethalákhwaʔ tsiʔ nú· tisayoʔtʌ́staʔ |
My phone number at work is 765-1234. | 765-1234 niwashe·tás tsiʔ twakyo·té·ˍ |
What's the phone number where you live? | Tó· niwashe·tás né· teyethalákhwaʔ isé· sawʌ́ tsiʔ tisatʌtí̲ |
The phone number where I live is 445-1234. | 445-1234 teyethalákhwaʔ niwashe·tás tsiʔ twakatʌtí̲ |
What's the phone number at your house? | Tó· niwashe·tás teyethalákhwaʔ tsiʔ tisanúhsote̲ʔ |
The phone number at my house is 445-1234. | 445-1234 niwashe·tás tsiʔ twaknúhsote̲ʔ |
What's your address (at your house)? | Tó· niwashe·tás tsiʔ tisanúhsote̲ʔ |
I live at 1234 Oneida Road. | 1234 niwashe·tás Oneida yoha·té· tsiʔ tkí·tlu̲ʔ |
English | Translation |
Ballpark Road | Tehuttsihkwaʔéktaʔ Yoha·té· |
Clara Road | Clara Yoha·té· |
Elijah Road | Oskanu·tú· Yoha·té· |
Elm Ave | Elm Yoha·té· |
Evan John Road | Evan John Yoha·té· |
Fairgrounds Road | Tethutkʌnyé·thaʔ Yoha·té· |
Hazel Road | Hazel Yoha·té· |
Highway 2 | Tékni Niwashe·tás Yoha·té· |
Highway 3 | Áhsʌ Niwashe·tás Yoha·té· |
Intersection | tetyohahá·sleʔ / teyohahá·seleʔ |
Iroquois Road | Lotiʔskʌʔlhakehtú Yoha·té· |
Longhouse Road | Kanúhses Yoha·té· |
Nicholas Road | Nicholas Yoha·té· |
Old Trail Road | Ohahaʔka·yú Yoha·té· |
Oneida Road | Oneida Yoha·té· |
Pheasant Drive | Pheasant Yoha·té· |
River Road | Kawyhuhakta Yoha·té· |
Townline Road | Kanata·yʌ́· Yoha·té· |
Walker Road | Walker Yoha·té· |
Williams Road | Williams Yoha·té· |
English | Translation |
Chippewa / Muncey | Twakʌnhá·ke· |
London | Kanatá·ke |
New York City | Kanunolú·ke |
Niagara Falls | Tsiʔ tetwaʔsʌ́thaʔ |
Oneida, NY | Tsiʔtkanaʔalóhaleʔ Tkanaʔlohaleʔ |
Oneida, WI | Taluʔkowane |
Ottawa | Kanatsyohalé·ke· |
Six Nations Grand River Territory | Oshwe·kʌ́ |
St. Thomas | Tsiʔ tkanatáheleʔ |
Strathroy | Ohkwalihné· |
Toronto | Tsiʔ tkaluto |
Washington, D.C. | Kanatakalyáhsneʔ Lanatakalyashnekeʔ |
English | Translation |
Canada | Kolahkowánhne̲ |
United States of America | Ostʌhlonú·ke |
Europe | Ohutsyakayú·ke̲ |
China, Japan, Korea | Tehatikahlatí·luté·ke |
North America (Turtle Island) | Anowalé·ke |
The whole world | Ohutsyakwekú |
English | Translation |
attic, in the | tkanʌstó·teʔ |
basement, in the | ohutsyá·ku |
bathroom, in the | átsteʔ yʌtákhwaʔ |
bedroom, in the | tsiʔ tyunuhwétstaʔ |
dining room, in the | tsiʔ tyutekhunyá·thaʔ |
entrance, in the | tsiʔ tyutawyaʔtákhwaʔ |
garage, in the | tsiʔ tyuteʔslehtayʌtákhwaʔ |
kitchen, in the | tsiʔ tyekhunyá·thaʔ |
laundry room, in the | tsiʔ tyenohalenyutá·khwaʔ |
living room, in the | tsiʔ tyutyʌtá·khwaʔ |
outside | átsteʔ |
stairs | yelathʌstá·khwaʔ |
yard, in the | tewatʌʔʌlá·lu·heʔ |
yard, in the back | onakʌ tyohutsyote |
yard, in the front | ohʌtu tyohuysyote |
English | Translation |
my mom's place | aknulhaʔké·ne |
my dad's place | lakeʔnihné·ke |
my grandmother's place | akhsotné·ke |
my grandparents' place | yukhsothané·ke |
my uncle's place | laknulhaʔké·ne |
my aunt's place | yuknulhaké·ne |
my older brother's place | lakeʔkʌʔné·ke· |
my little sister's place | kheʔkʌʔné·ke· |
my niece's place | kheyuwatʌné·ke |
my son's place | liyʌʔné·ke· |
my cousin's place | ukyalasé·ke·ne |
my friend's place | ukyatʌló·ke·ne |
David's place | Tawétné·ke· |
Mary's place | Walíné·ke· |
English | Translation |
at the ball park | tsiʔ tehuttsihkwaʔéktaʔ |
at the band office | tsiʔ thatihashʌtákhwaʔ |
at the bank | tsiʔ tyehwistayʌtákhwaʔ |
at the bar | tsiʔ thatihnekila·thaʔ |
at the bridge | twaskó·huʔ |
at the casino / bingo | tsiʔ tethatihyatuslayʌ́takhwaʔ |
at the car repair | tsiʔ thuteʔslehtunyá·tha |
at the car wash | tsiʔ tyuteʔslehtohaleʔtákhwa |
at the cemetery | tsiʔ thuwatiyaʔtataʔastha |
at the church | tsiʔ tyutlʌnayʌtákhwaʔ |
community centre | tsiʔ thutyaʔtaló·loks |
at the dentist's office | tsiʔ thuwatinawilotákhwaʔ |
at the doctor's office | latetsyʌ́htne· |
at the dump / landfill | tsiʔ yeyakotyéhtha tsiʔ yeyakotyéhtákhwaʔ |
at the fairgrounds | tsiʔ tethutkʌnyé·thaʔ |
at the fire station | luhswaʔtné·ke |
at the fitness centre | tsiʔ thutyaʔtahnilátsta |
at the gas station | tsiʔ tyutye nahní·nuheʔ |
at the health centre | tsiʔ thuwatitsyʌtákhwa |
at the hospital | tsiʔ teyutateshnyé·thaʔ |
at the hotel | tsiʔ teyetástaʔ |
at the jail | tsiʔ tyutatenhotú·khwaʔ |
at the library | tsiʔ tyewʌnahnótakhwaʔ tsiʔ thatihyatuslayʌtakhwaʔ |
at the longhouse | kanuhséhsneʔ |
at the mall | tsiʔ tyutʌhninuheʔkó· |
at the drive in | tsiʔ twatasatálhaʔ |
at the movie theatre | tsiʔ twatasatálhaʔ |
at the playground | tsiʔ thutnutolyaʔ tákhwaʔ |
at the police station | shakotiyé·nahsne̲ʔ |
at the political office | tsiʔ tethatilihutá·kwas |
at the post office | tsiʔ tyehyatuhslayʌtakhwaʔ |
at the radio station | tsiʔ thutlʌnóthaʔ |
on the reserve | ukwehuwé·ne |
at the restaurant | tsiʔ tyutekhunyá·thaʔ |
at the school | tsiʔ tyutatlihunyʌní·thaʔ |
at the store | tsiʔ tyutʌhní·nuheʔ |
in town | kanatá·ke |
Oneida | English | Examples |
kwáh ok tsyoʔk nú· | all over | Kwáh ok tsyoʔk nú· yehé·lehskwe kwaʔshu·té̲· He was all over last night. |
kwáh ok tsyoʔk nú· kanatá·ke | all over town | Kwáh ok tsyoʔk nú· kanatá·ke yehé·lehskwe kwaʔshu·té̲· He was all over town last night. |
áti kwáh tsyoʔk nú· | anyplace, wherever | Áti kwáh tsyoʔk nú· nʌhsé·shekeʔ, thó kyu ní· nú· sʌ́· thó yʌké·sheke̲ʔ Wherever you're going to be, I will be there too. |
ákteʔ nú· | elsewhere | Ákte nú· yehé·lehse̲ʔ He's somewhere else. |
kʌ́·tho | here | Kʌ́·tho kʌ́ í·lehse̲ʔ Is he here? |
yáh kánikeʔ | no place / nowhere | Yáh kánikʌ thyeyáknehskweʔ kwaʔshu·té̲· S.o. & I were not anywhere last night. (We didn't go anywhere.) |
kátshaʔ ok nú· | somewhere | Kátshaʔ ok nú· Ostohlonú·ke yʌhlé·shekeʔ swʌ·tát He will be somewhere in the United States next week. |
thó | there | Thó kʌ́ yehélehseʔ tsiʔ thoyo·té̲· Is he at work? |
kánke | when? | Kánke thó yʌhsé·sheke̲ʔ When will you be there? |
tshi- | when | Kanaʔtsyohalé·ke· teknáklehkweʔ tshikeksá· I used to live in Ottawa when I was a kid. |
nʌ | when | Thó yʌké·shekeʔ nʌ thó yʌhsé·sheke̲ʔ I will be there when you get there. |
tsha nú· | where | Yáh tewakanúhteʔ tsha nú· ní·lehse̲ʔ I don't know where he is. |
tsiʔ nú· | where | |
thó nú· | where | |
kátshaʔ nú· | where? | Kátshaʔ nú· ní·lehseʔ né·n Tshyalé Where is Charlie? |
aya·wʌ́·s kwi | hopefully | Aya·wʌ́·s kwi Hawaiʔi yʌké·shekeʔ yʌswʌ́·tat Hopefully, I will be in Hawai'i next week. |
yolihowanʌ́ | it is important | Yolihowa·nʌ́ tsiʔ nok ʌwa·tú· kʌ́·tho ayʌ́·sheke̲ʔ It's important that someone has to be here. |
nok ʌwa·tú· | (it is a) must, have to | Nok ʌwa·tú· thó yʌké·shekeʔ ʌyólhʌne̲ʔ I have to be there tomorrow. |
teyotuhutsyúhu | (it is) necessary, need to | Yáh thaʔteyotuhutsyúhu thó yayʌ́·shekeʔ tsiʔ ʌyó·kalahwe̲ʔ She doesn't need to be there this evening. |
Tó· ni·kú̲ | How many things / objects? | Tó· ni·kú snú·wehseʔ thi·kʌ̲̲́ How many of those do you like? |
Tó· nitwatí̲ | How many of us? (all of you & I) | Tó· nitwatí kʌ́·tho ítwehseʔ nuʔú·wa̲ʔ How many of us are here now? |
Tó· niyakwatí̲ | How many of us? (they & I, not you) | Sanúhte kʌ́ tó· niyakwatí tyakwʌʔtlu·táhkweʔ thé·tʌ̲ Do you know how many of us were (at) home yesterday? |
Tó· niswatí̲ | How many of you all? (all of you) | Tó· níswatí yáh kʌʔ thaeswé·sheke̲ʔ How many of you won't be here? |
Tó· nihatí̲ | How many of them? (males, males and females) | Tó· nihatí né· swalaʔsé·shuha Ostuhlonú·ke thatinakéhle̲ʔ How many of your cousins live in the States? |
Tó· nikutí̲ | How many of them? (females) | Tó· nikutí thikʌ́ otikstʌhokúha swatátnuhkwe̲ʔ How many of those old ladies are you related to? |